Flatiron logo
Primary logo: horizontal lockup
Our logo has been thoughtfully designed to make a bold statement suggesting structure, simplicity and approachability. The Flatiron logo is made up of two colored diamonds (the symbol) and custom letterforms spelling out our name (the wordmark). The symbol suggests structure and simplicity, and the wordmark is approachable. They have been thoughtfully designed to make a bold statement.The Flatiron logotype is made from custom drawn letter forms, meaning it is not a typeface. It features all lowercase letterforms to reinforce the approachability and simplicity of our brand. The spacing between the letters was chosen for maximum effect and legibility.
Always use the provided logo files. Please do not recreate, redraw or alter the logotype in any way.
Download the Flatiron logo.
Logo use with color
Appropriate contrast is important for legibility across all platforms. When using the logo on color backgrounds, the white logo is to be used on our shades 500-900 while our color logo can be used on shades 50-100.
Clear Space
To ensure its integrity and visibility, the logo should be kept clear of competing text, images and graphics. X is equivalent to 1⁄2 of the width of the symbol.Minimum Size
The lockup’s height should never appear smaller than .2” when used in print. Always use the original and approved artwork without alteration.Logo Don’ts
- Don’t use one color other than black on white.
- Don’t alter color configuration.
- Avoid low contrast.
- Don’t outline the logo.
- Don’t use the word mark only.
- Don’t apply drop shadows.

Secondary logo: vertical lockup
For instances in which horizontal space is limited, the vertical lockup may be used. The spacing between the letters has been adjusted for maximum effect and legibility and should not be altered.Never attempt to redraw, or recreate, the Flatiron logo in any fashion. Always use the provided logo files when using or placing the composition.
Download the vertical lockup of the Flatiron logo.
Clear Space
To ensure its integrity and visibility, the logo should be kept clear of competing text, images and graphics. Clear space should always equal half the width of the left portion of the symbol, or X.Minimum Size
The lockup’s height should never appear smaller than .2” when used in print. Always use the provided assets and do not alter them.Logo Don’ts
- Don’t alter the configuration.
- Don’t outline the logo.
- Don’t alter the logo colors.

The Flatiron symbol
Our symbol can be used on its own in limited cases where the Flatiron brand is clearly known.Sometimes, you may need to use the logo as a digital icon or in spaces where a horizontal format won’t work. In these cases, the symbol is used alone and should always appear in color on a white background; or, in limited cases, in white on a color background.
Download the Flatiron symbol.
Clear Space
To ensure its integrity and visibility, the logo should be kept clear of competing text, images and graphics. Clear space should always equal half the width of the left portion of the symbol, or X.Minimum Size
The lockup’s height should never appear smaller than .2” when used in print. Always use the provided assets without alteration.Symbol Don’ts
- Don’t move the registered trademark symbol.
- Don’t use alternate colorways.
- Don’t separate parts of the symbol.
Product logos
Our product logos all fit into a visual system to ensure consistency across our portfolio.Onco Suite Logos
ONCO product logo lockups are built from the Flatiron symbol and the product name to the right. This way, they fit within the Flatiron ecosystem without relying on the Flatiron name.

Flatiron Prefix Product Logos
Flatiron product logo lockups are built from the Flatiron symbol and logotype with the product name to the right. The Flatiron product logos use a smaller symbol than seen in the standard Flatiron lockup to accommodate for certain use cases.

Logo Don’ts
In all of the above, the spacing between the letters has been adjusted for maximum effect and legibility and should not be altered. Always use the provided assets without alteration.- Don’t use alternate weights, spacing or type tracking.
- Don’t alter logo configuration.
Conference logos
Our conferences have their own logo system which can be customized per year and location.Flatiron Conference logos are built from the Flatiron logotype and a vertical bar separating the logotype from the conference name to the right. The conference name is set in Post Grotesk with the year, location or date ranges set beneath.

This system is designed to be scalable, should other conferences be created, while remaining consistent with the Flatiron ecosystem.
Logo Don’ts
The spacing between the letters has been adjusted for maximum effect and legibility and should not be altered. Always use the provided assets without alteration.- Don’t alter logo configuration.
- Don’t use alter vertical bar width, or type weights.

© Copyright Flatiron 2024