Palette rules

The 2-Color rule

Our 2-color palettes are intentionally applied to collateral that is brand-forward, and or evergreen. Our core palettes consist only of Flatiron primary purple and primary blue hues.

Core palette one, made up of 5 swatches, is for the use case where our full color logo is displayed. Core palette two is used when our logo is displayed in all white and contains four color swatches with a fifth white swatch.

Core palette 1: full color logo use
Purple 600*
80, 81, 219
76, 72, 0, 0
PMS 2725 U
Blue 500*
56, 130, 245
73, 49, 0, 0
PMS 2171 U
Blue 200
168, 201,251
31, 13, 0, 0
PMS 2717 U
Purple 200
178, 180, 239
28, 27, 0, 0
PMS 2705 U
Blue 800
0, 57, 143
100, 88, 13, 3
PMS 2935 U

Core palette 2: white text and white logo use
Purple 600*
80, 81, 219
76, 72, 0, 0
PMS 2725 U
Blue 500*
56, 130, 245
73, 49, 0, 0
PMS 2171 U
Blue 200
168, 201,251
31, 13, 0, 0
PMS 2717 U
Purple 800
29, 33, 142
100, 99, 8, 3
PMS 2736 U
255, 255, 255
0, 0, 0, 0
PMS Bright White

The 3-Color rule

A 3-color palette can be created for the purpose of emphasis i.e. a partnership, collaboration, or unique use case. Hues of our primary blue and purple are always included with one additional shade, chosen specifically based on the focus of emphasis, and paired with a secondary hue or white.

There are two sets of rules to follow based on whether the full-color or white Flatiron logo will accompany the palette.

The swatches for a 3-color palette with the full-color logo should be chosen according to the following rules:

For the first two swatches, one blue and one purple mid range swatch (300-600) must be used

The third swatch must be a dark swatch (700-900) in either purple or blue

The fourth swatch is a dark hue (700-900) of the accent swatch

The fifth swatch is a light hue (50-200) of the accent swatch

The swatches for a 3-color palette using the white logo follow the same rules as the full-color logo with the exception of the third swatch being white instead of purple or blue:

In the first two swatches, one blue and one purple mid range swatch (300-600) and dark swatch (700-900) must be used

The third swatch is white #FFFFFF

The fourth swatch is the a dark hue (700-900) of the accent swatch

The fifth swatch is a light hue (50-200) of the accent swatch

The 5-Color rule

Collectively, Flatiron Purple (swatches Purple 50-900) and Blue (swatches Blue 50-900) should approximately occupy 2/3 of the composition. Flatiron’s primary purple is purple 600* and primary blue is blue 500*.

Other color swatches should be chosen according to the following rules:

A light swatch (50-200) must be used

A dark swatch (700-900) must be used

Two swatches from the mid range (300-600) must be used (completed sample palette)

When using white text on a composition, white is considered the fifth color and can be incorporated into the prismatic shapes. White does NOT replace Flatiron Blue or Flatiron Purple. If using a premade palette for events, swap the lightest tint to white.

When using black text, black is not considered a one of the five shades but rather accompanies the five shades.